Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to us. Therefore, we have created this privacy policy to explain how the “AMNK” site and application collects, uses and shares your information as a user of the site and application or information that you provide to us when you visit the site or when you subscribe to one of the services we offer.

1. Data we collect
When you register and become a user with us, you may be asked to provide us with personal data and information about yourself, including but not limited to your name, telephone number, email address and profile picture. It is collected by the following means:
• Information from your activity: This information includes the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used to connect your computer to the Internet, browser type and language, referring and exit pages and URLs, date and time, duration of visits to certain pages, and your login information.
• Information from cookies: We collect information through cookies stored by websites on your hard drive.
• Information you provide to us: You may voluntarily provide us with additional information about yourself that does not identify you personally, including but not limited to name, address, gender, country, service preferences, and other information that you provide to us by filling in the forms available on our platform or by contacting us by phone, e-mail, or any other means.
Therefore, you are obligated to provide complete, correct and accurate information, and to maintain the confidentiality of your account information and password, and to identify the people who are allowed to access and use your account. Otherwise, you will be liable for any damages resulting from the inaccuracy of this data or its failure to update once it has been changed. We may share said information with third parties for the purpose of designing, analyzing, managing, reporting and improving advertisements on the Site and others.

2. Use of Personal Data
We may use personal data that we collect in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law in the following:
• To provide a better service, in particular to maintain internal records as well as to improve our services and the site.
• To be used for promotional and informational purposes, including direct marketing, market research and surveys.
• To ensure that we provide you with information that is most relevant to you and your interests.
• To distinguish or enhance your experience of using the Website and Services.
• To measure the effectiveness of the advertisements provided on the site and to provide advertisements that suit you, which may depend on your activity on the site.
• To make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of the site regarding services that may be of interest to you.
• For any other use after obtaining your consent, in the event that we wish to use your personal information for purposes other than those to which you have previously agreed.

3. Storage of personal data
We only store your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which or through which the personal data is processed.

4. How to protect your personal data
The “AMNK” website and application is committed to dealing with your account information with a high level of security and protecting personal data against unauthorized access, use or disclosure. However, this level of protection can only be 100% effective if you follow your own security policies. You must not share your account information with anyone. If you are concerned that any of your personal data has been exposed, you should change it immediately after logging into your account.

5. Data processing
AMNK aims to process only correct and up-to-date personal data. You therefore have the right to obtain correction of inaccurate personal data relating to you.

The “AMNK” website and application has the right to delete unnecessary personal data in connection with the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed.
– You have the right to request correction or erasure of personal data, restriction of processing personal data related to the data subject, or to object to such processing
You have the right to restrict AMNK from processing if you have a specific reason for wanting to be restricted.
– You have the right to object to the processing of personal data relating to you based on automated decisions.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
AMNK only uses data processors that provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a way that the processing satisfies and guarantees the protection of the rights of all data subjects concerned.

6. Links to external websites
The “AMNK” website and application may contain links that refer the user or visitor to external applications, links or websites that may collect information about you and disclose it in a different way than our application.
AMNK does not control the privacy practices of external applications and websites, and we are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of those external applications and websites. You should review the applicable third-party privacy policy and terms of use when you visit any Third-Party Apps or Websites.
– We are not responsible for the collection, use or disclosure of any information carried out by an application or other website that has a link on our site. We recommend that users of the site read the privacy policy of each other application or site.

7. Amending and changing the Privacy Policy
AMNK has the full right to make any amendment, change, addition or deletion to this policy and in the manner and time it deems appropriate. Therefore, we advise you to review this page periodically and read it regularly, bearing in mind that the management of the “AMNK” website and application is not required to announce any updates to that privacy policy or the terms that govern this site, and your use of the portal means that you have seen and agreed to those terms and principles and the amendments made to them. ongoing.
Please note that